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Valltorta Museum has a library specialised in prehistory and archaeology
In addition to local and provincial publications on these subjects and other works of historic research, this library also houses publications by Valencian museums (MARQ, Alcoy Museum and Lucentum), bulletins of archaeological publications in the Region of Valencia (Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina, Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Diputación de Castellón, Servicio de Investigación del Museo de Prehistoria de Valencia, Sección de Estudios Arqueológicos de Valencia, Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, Cuadernos de Investigación del Centro de Estudios Contestanos, etc), and others on this subject published in other regions of Spain.
There is also a small section on these subjects in French, English, Portuguese, Italian and German, in addition to archaeological journals (Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Noticiario Arqueológico Hispano and Anales del Museo Nacional de Arqueología), other journals about anthropology such as Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Antropología, plus other publications produced in the Region of Valencia: Boletín del Centro de Estudios del Maestrazgo (CEM), Boletín de la Sociedad Castellonense de Cultura, Colección de la Biblioteca Valenciana, Pyrenae (Revista de Prehistoria: Antigüedad del Mediterráneo Occidental). There are also several books about museology.
Opening hours: same as the museum.
Contact: museu_valltorta@gva.es